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What is October Midnight about?
October Midnight
What is October Midnight about?
Abbie Syfert is babysitting the Thummel’s two young children, Kayne and Kaleigh, who are thought to be asleep in their beds.
Instead, the children are at rest inside cryogenic tanks.
Stored there by their father who believed they had died in a car accident.
Where to buy October Midnight Novel
Where to buy October Midnight
available at these and other retailers and bookstores
Book Details for October Midnight Novel
TYPE Novel
Genre(s) Horror, Thriller, Mystery, Action
RELEASED October 14, 2019
FORMAT(S) Hardback, Paperback, Kindle
ISBN-13 9781949637298, 9781949637120, 9781949637137
Language English
Videos about October Midnight Novel
Videos about October Midnight
Main Character(s) in October Midnight Novel
Abbie Syfert - Sixteen-year-old hired by the Thummels to babysit two children
Daphne Syfert - Abbie's mother
Mr. and Mrs. Thummel - Hired Abbie to babysit their children, Kayne, their son, and Kaleigh, their daughter
Main Setting(s) and Location(s) in October Midnight Novel
Town of Station Glen
Plot Description for October Midnight Novel
Story told in order from beginning to end of the main character on a quest
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